Oil on Water Monitor Model IRmat


The Oil on Water Monitor Model IRmat is used for continuous monitoring of water surfaces and detects floating oil with high sensitivity.

Infrared scan:

  • Organic substances such as fats and oils reflect infrared rays, water absorbs most of the infrared rays.
  • So the reflected IR- radiation is used to reliably detect oil films on the water surface.


  • The model IRmat is used to check that the water surface is free of oil.
  • It enables the early detection of oil ingress and leaks.
  • The aim is to prevent environmental and facility damage.


  • The sensor must be at a constant distance from the water surface.
  • Fluctuations in the water level are compensated for by  using pontoons or by ultrasonic distance detection.
  • To realize bypass measurements, surface water is pumped into a bypass tank via a skimmer . The free outlet of the tank ensures a constant water level so that the measurement takes place under ideal conditions.
Oil on Water measurement IRmat
Oil on Water Monitor Model IRmat
Oil on Water Detector IRmat
  • Detection of oils:
    The device can detect both mineral oils and synthetic oils.

  • Emulsion detection:
    The instrumnt is able to identify emulsions.

  • Non-contact measurement:
    The measurement method is non-contact and has a high response sensitivity.

  • Factory calibration:
    The device is factory calibrated and ready for use.

  • Large scanning surface:
    The scanning surface is approximately 10 cm in diameter.

  • Long-term stability and low maintenance:
    It offers high long-term stability and requires minimum maintenance.

  • No moving parts:
    The device has no moving parts .

  • High Power IR- LEDs:
    The service life of the IR- LEDs is extremely long.

  • Automatic self-diagnosis:
    The device performs a permanent automatic self-diagnosis.

Model IRmat installation in open Channel / Basin

Oil on Water measuring system IRmat

Fixed mounting

Fixed mounting is an uncomplicated method of installing the sensor. The sensor is installed using either a mounting frame or an articulated arm. Here it is crucial to ensure a constant water level. For optimum measurement results, the water level should not fluctuate by more than +/- 1 cm, optionally +/- 7.5 cm with ultrasonic water level compensation.

Pontoon mounting

Pontoon mounting offers a simple way of compensating for changes in the water level. The pontoons always position the sensor at a constant distance above the water surface.
This principle ensures reliable measurement regardless of fluctuations in the water level.

Mounting at bypass tank

In case the Sensor is mounted on a bypass tank, a floating skimmer is used to forward the surface water into the tank by using self-priming pump.
Any floating oil is fed into the bypass tank together with the water. The free outlet of the tank ensures a constant water level so that the sensor is always at the optimum distance from the water surface.